Aleksander Stormskjold
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Aleksander Stormskjold$200 | Sessions |
About MeAleksander Stormskjold has a decade of experience in sales and management, and he is deeply passionate about helping others achieve their best. Throughout his career, he has coached sales teams to become the top performers in their field. He believes strongly in development and balance, constantly striving to assist his clients in reaching their goals. Aleksander has managed hundreds of employees and conducted nearly a thousand interviews. He has also led over 4,000 coaching sessions focused on improving performance. His leadership philosophy emphasizes leading by example and supporting the growth and achievements of his team members.
Book a 1:1 live video consultationStarting at $140$200
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30 minute session
- Quick introduction- Discuss challenges or situations- Guidance on how to manage it- Goal setting
Book a 1:1 live video consultationStarting at $140$200
Book a sessionBook 1:1 sessions from the options based on your needs
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What to Expect
30 minute session
- Quick introduction- Discuss challenges or situations- Guidance on how to manage it- Goal setting
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