Paul Nilsen
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Paul Nilsen$200 | Sessions |
About MePaul Nilsen is a licensed psychologist trained at the University of Oslo, fluent in both English and Norwegian. He uses a range of therapy methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and sleep therapy, among others. Paul focuses on therapy that helps individuals master their mental challenges and build personal strength. He offers therapy tailored to each person's unique characteristics and needs, targeting issues like anxiety, phobias, job stress, and relationship problems. Paul's approach is flexible, with availability on weekdays and weekends to accommodate different schedules. His services also cover personal development areas such as motivation, self-confidence, and creativity.
Book a 1:1 live video consultationStarting at $140$200
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What to Expect
30 minute session
- Quick introduction- Discuss challenges or situations- Guidance on how to manage it- Goal setting
Book a 1:1 live video consultationStarting at $140$200
Book a sessionBook 1:1 sessions from the options based on your needs
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What to Expect
30 minute session
- Quick introduction- Discuss challenges or situations- Guidance on how to manage it- Goal setting
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