Martin Lund
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Martin Lund$200 | Sessions |
About MeMartin Lund Johansen is a trained psychologist from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. He has specialized in metacognitive therapy, completing a masterclass at the MCT Institute in Manchester, and an OCD masterclass in Bergen led by psychologist specialist Bjarne Hansen. He is a member of the Norwegian Psychological Association and the Norwegian Association for Metacognitive Therapy. Martin has extensive experience in treating complex anxiety disorders and depression, having previously worked at the specialized unit Østmarka, where he was part of the OCD team. His expertise covers a broad range of anxiety issues including simple phobias, social anxiety, health anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, and panic disorder. Recently, he has served as a consultant for Norsk Arbeidshelse, focusing on stress-related conditions. One of Martin’s areas of expertise is dealing with intrusive thoughts, persistent rumination, and worry. In his practice, he frequently assists individuals experiencing low mood and depressive episodes.
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30 minute session
- Quick introduction- Discuss challenges or situations- Guidance on how to manage it- Goal setting
Book a 1:1 live video consultationStarting at $140$200
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What to Expect
30 minute session
- Quick introduction- Discuss challenges or situations- Guidance on how to manage it- Goal setting
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